General Information

Node count


Percentage of network synced

If the head of a node is within 256 epochs or 1 day
of the head of the chain, we consider it synced.


Percentage of network unsynced

If the head of a node is behind the head of the chain
by 256 epochs or 1 day, we consider it unsynced.


Node count over the past 7 days

Shows node count over the past 7 days.
The chart also shows number of nodes
synced and unsynced over the time period.


Regional Information

Network participants from

- countries

Percentage of hosted nodes

If a node is running on a cloud service,
we consider it hosted.


Percentage of non-hosted nodes

If a node is running on a network other than a cloud service,
such as residential or business, we consider it non-hosted.


Node count by countries

Node Statistics

Nodes ready for Altair upgrade

Client type distribution


Operating systems distribution


Network types distribution


Version variance across clients

Shows variations in version of node clients
Shows top 5 versions of known clients
